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Paul Johnson | |
britský historik a katolícky novinár | |
Narodenie | 2. november 1928 Manchester, Spojené kráľovstvo |
Úmrtie | 12. január 2023 (94 rokov) |
Alma mater | University of Oxford |
Rodičia | William Aloysius Johnson |
Manželka | Marigold Hunt (1957 - ) |
Deti | Daniel, Luke, Sophie, Cosmo |
Odkazy | |
Webstránka | pauljohnsonarchives.org |
Commons | Paul Johnson |
Paul Johnson, narodený ako Paul Bede Johnson (* 2. november 1928, Manchester, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 12. január 2023[1]) bol britský historik a katolícky novinár.
Po slovensky vyšlo
- Renesancia (Slovart, 2002)
Po česky vyšlo
- Civilizace starého Egypta (Academia, 2005)
- Dějiny 20. století (Rozmluvy, 1991)
- Dějiny amerického národa (Academia, 2000)
- Dějiny anglického národa (Rozmluvy, 2002)
- Dějiny civilizací Svaté země (Barrister & Principal, 2003)
- Dějiny křesťanství (CDK, 1999)
- Dějiny renesance (Barrister & Principal, 2004)
- Dějiny umění (Academia, 2006)
- Dějiny židovského národa (Rozmluvy, 1995)
- Hledání Boha, osobní pouť (Panevropa, 1997)
- Churchill (Barrister & Principal, 2010)
- Intelektuálové (Návrat domů, 2002)
- Ježíš. Životopis pro 21.století (Barrister & Principal, 2010)
- Mozart (Barrister & Principal, 2014)[2]
- Napoleon (Barrister & Principal, 2003)
- Nepřátelé společnosti (Rozmluvy, 1999)
- Tvůrci. Od Shakespeara a Dürera k Picassovi a Tiffanymu (Barrister & Principal, 2007)
- Zrození moderní doby (Academia, 1998)
Po anglicky vyšlo
Antológie, polemiky a historické komentáre
- 1957 Conviction MacGibbon & Kee (contribution: "A Sense of Outrage" pp202-17, with Brian Abel-Smith, Nigel Calder, Richard Hoggart, Mervyn Jones, Norman Mackenzie (ed), Peter Marris, Iris Murdoch Peter Shore, Hugh Thomas, Peter Townsend & Raymond Williams)
- 1957 The Suez War MacGibbon & Kee
- 1958 Journey Into Chaos MacGibbon & Kee
- 1971 Statesmen And Nations Sidgwick & Jackson
- 1977 Enemies of Society Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1980 The Recovery of Freedom (Mainstream Series) Basil Blackwell
- 1981 The Best of Everything - Animals, Business, Drink, Travel, Food, Literature, Medicine, Playtime, Politics, Theatre, Young World, Art, Communications, Law and Crime, Films, Pop Culture, Sport, Women's Fashion, Men's Fashion, Music, Military (ed by William Davis) - contributor
- 1985 The Pick of Paul Johnson Harrap
- 1986 The Oxford Book Of Political Anecdotes (2nd ed 1991) Oxford University Press
- 1988 Intellectuals Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1994 The Quotable Paul Johnson A Topical Compilation of His Wit, Wisdom and Satire (George J. Marlin, Richard P. Rabatin, Heather Higgins (Editors)) 1994 Noonday Press/1996 Atlantic Books(US)
- 1994 Wake Up Britain - a Latter-day Pamphlet Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1996 To Hell with Picasso & Other Essays: Selected Pieces from “The Spectator” Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1993 Gerald Laing : Portraits Thomas Gibson Fine Art Ltd (with Gerald Laing & David Mellor MP)
- 1999 Julian Barrow's London Fine Art Society
- 2003 Art: A New History Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1972 The Offshore Islanders: England's People from Roman Occupation to the Present/to European Entry Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1974 Elizabeth I: a Study in Power and Intellect Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1974 The Life and Times of Edward III Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1976 Civilizations of the Holy Land Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1977 Education of an Establishment in The World Of the Public School (pp13-28), edited by George MacDonald Fraser, Weidenfeld & Nicolson /St Martins Press (US edition)
- 1978 The Civilization of Ancient Egypt Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1981 Ireland: A Concise History from the Twelfth Century to the Present Day Granada
- 1984 Modern Times: A History of the World from the 1920s to the 1980s Weidenfeld & Nicolson Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1987 Gold Fields A Centenary Portrait Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1987 The History of the Jews Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1991 The Birth of the Modern: World Society 1815-1830 Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1996 The Holocaust Phoenix
- 1997 A History of the American People Weidenfeld & Nicolson ISBN 0-06-093034-9
- 2002 The Renaissance Weidenfeld & Nicolson/*Random House (USA)
- 2002 Napoleon (Lives S.) Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 2005 George Washington: The Founding Father (Eminent Lives Series) Atlas Books
- 2006 Creators HarperCollins Publishers (USA) ISBN 0-06-019143-0
- 2004 The Vanished Landscape: A 1930s Childhood in the Potteries Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1959 Left of Centre MacGibbon & Kee
- 1964 Merrie England MacGibbon & Kee
Náboženská literatúra
- 1975 Pope John XXIII Hutchinson
- 1977 A History of Christianity Weidenfeld & Nicolson /1976 Simon & Schuster /Atheneum (USA)
- 1982 Pope John Paul II And The Catholic Restoration St Martins Press
- 1996 The Quest for God: A Personal Pilgrimage Weidenfeld & Nicolson/HarperCollins (USA)
- 1997 The Papacy Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1973 The Highland Jaunt Collins (with George Gale)
- 1974 A Place in History: Places & Buildings Of British History Omega
- 1978 National Trust Book of British Castles Granada Paperback
- 1980 British Cathedrals Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 1984 The Aerofilms Book of London from the Air Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- ↑ Paul Johnson, polemicist who turned against the left, dies at 94 . 12 January 2023. Dostupné online.
- ↑ Recenzia na dielo on-line.
Iné projekty
- Commons ponúka multimediálne súbory na tému Paul Johnson (historik)
Externé odkazy
- Oficiálny web
- Paul Johnson's articles in The Spectator
- Feud – and it's a scorcher! – article by John Walsh on Johnson's differences with The Guardian in The Independent 28 July 1997
- New York Times Featured Author 9 September 2000: Paul Johnson
- White House press release regarding Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to Johnson
- Paul Johnson's articles and interviews (English and Spanish)
- Booknotes interview with Johnson on A History of the American People, 5 April 1998.
- Paul Johnson: Why America Will Stay on Top
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