A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | CH | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
- first logins: de.wiki May 1st, 2004, cs.wiki: May 1st, 2004, multilingual wikisource (wikisource.org): August 15th, 2004
- November 2nd, 2004 - January 2006 sysop cs.wiki (self resigned)
- October 11th, 2005: sysop multilingual wikisource, March 8th, 2011 bureaucrat (up to now)
- March 30th 2006 created the Czech wikisource, the first bureaucrat and sysop there (May 2009 self-resigned to bct), sysop till April 2020
- 2009/2010 OTRS
- about 2009 to 2019 admin & bureaucrat at wikilivres and partly CU
- February 19th 2011 mentor (adopt-a-user) on de.wiki (about 2013 self-resigned)
- June 1st 2011 - May 31st 2012 and June 1st, 2017 - November 4th, 2017 member of the arbcom de.wiki
- May 1st, 2012 - May, 2015 sysop de.wiki (self-resigned)
attended WikiCons 2011 Nürnberg, 2015 Dresden, 2017 Leipzig; arbcom meeting 2012 Frankfurt; AdminCons 2015 Oer-Erkenschwick, 2016 Cuxhaven, 2017 Salzburg; WMF Hackathon 2016 Jerusalem
Pages created (namespace 0, as per Juli 2020): dewiki nearly 660 articles, cswiki over 320 articles, some more hundreds on cs.wikisource and multilingual wikisource
uploads to commons: some more hundreds (see here and galleries)
edit counter (as per Sept. 2019): de.wiki over 88.200 edits, cs.wiki over 11.340 edits, cs + multi wikisources about 12.000 edits, all projects 116.350 edits
others items: wikilivres april 29th, 2009 sysop and later cu (up to approx. 2017); member of WMDE; SUL activity; 2010 (with Merlissimo) consulting frr.wiki after its creation
(de: 4) • (cs: N) • (en: 3,8) • (sk: 4) • (es: 2,5/1,5) • (ru: 2,5/2) |
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