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Pôvodný súbor (2 000 × 1 200 pixelov, veľkosť súboru: 670 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)
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Po kliknutí na dátum/čas uvidíte ako súbor vyzeral vtedy.
Dátum/Čas | Náhľad | Rozmery | Používateľ | Komentár | |
aktuálna | 19:58, 7. apríl 2007 | ![]() | 2 000 × 1 200 (670 KB) | Kulshrax | |
13:00, 7. apríl 2007 | ![]() | 2 000 × 1 200 (565 KB) | Kulshrax | {{Information |Description=A color-enhanced version of an aerial photograph of clouds; taken from the rear seat of an Airbus A320 flying over the Midwestern United States. Author/Source: Arun Kulshreshtha. |Source=Arun Kulshreshtha |Date= 6/14/2006 7:32PM | |
02:09, 7. apríl 2007 | ![]() | 3 000 × 1 800 (191 KB) | Kulshrax | A color-enhanced version of an aerial photograph of clouds; taken from the rear seat of an Airbus A320 flying over the Midwestern United States. | |
01:33, 7. apríl 2007 | ![]() | 5 000 × 3 000 (3,1 MB) | Kulshrax | A color-enhanced version of an aerial photograph of cumulus mediocris clouds; taken from the rear seat of an Airbus A320 flying over the Midwestern United States. | |
01:01, 7. apríl 2007 | ![]() | 5 000 × 3 750 (3 MB) | Kulshrax | A color-enhanced version of an aerial photograph of cumulus mediocris clouds; taken from the rear seat of an Airbus A320 flying over the Midwestern United States. |
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- Water vapor
- Stratocumulus cloud
- User:Bob rulz
- List of cloud types
- User:Acntx
- User:Jameshfisher
- User:SignalMan
- User:Rob110178
- User:Greygh0st
- User:KaiRo
- User:Mitternacht90
- User:Tonzo
- User:DennisTheTiger
- User:Masamunecyrus
- User:TRAiNER4
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- User:NorthernFire
- User:Masamunecyrus/Boxes
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- User:Kd5npf
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- User:Morphyoss/more userboxes
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- User:Japanimation~enwiki
- User:The Raven's Apprentice/Userboxes/User Weather fan
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