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meniť za rovnakých podmienok – Ak toto dielo zmeníte, prevediete do inej formy alebo použijete ako základ iného diela, musíte výsledok šíriť pod rovnakou alebo kompatibilnou licenciou ako originál.
2007-11-14T02:20:29Z Jeeny 111x107 (14180 Bytes) Removed extra pixels
2007-02-23T18:54:45Z SushiGeek 111x107 (4048 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2007-02-22T22:40:45Z AzaToth 113x107 (14002 Bytes) new version, based on the Silver barnstar
2007-02-05T20:28:53Z AzaToth 111x107 (4048 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2007-02-05T18:24:03Z AzaToth 1802x1709 (2103715 Bytes) cuttification and colorifications of :Image:SilverBarnstar.JPG
2006-02-01T00:03:53Z AzaToth 111x107 (4048 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2006-02-01T00:02:49Z AzaToth 983x934 (475032 Bytes) A barnstar made out of a pice of metal
2006-01-17T22:40:15Z Bastique 111x107 (4048 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2006-01-17T22:39:57Z Bastique 111x107 (4056 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2005-12-15T21:38:44Z Locke Cole 111x107 (4048 Bytes) ever so slightly smaller
2005-08-19T16:14:09Z Dbenbenn 111x107 (4056 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2005-08-19T16:13:09Z Dbenbenn 111x107 (4174 Bytes) originally uploaded 23:50, 19 February 2004 to w:Image:Barnstar.png by w:User:Brion VIBBER with the comment (De-uglify)
2005-08-19T16:12:09Z Dbenbenn 111x107 (4948 Bytes) originally uploaded 06:34, 19 February 2004 to w:Image:Barnstar.png by w:User:Silsor with the comment (deuglify)
2005-08-09T23:00:08Z Zscout370 111x107 (4056 Bytes) The image was pngcrushed at en:Image:Barnstar.png
2004-12-23T05:50:01Z Lyellin 111x107 (13711 Bytes) Barnstar from Wikipedia to here {{GFDL}}
{{Information |Description=A barnstar for contributions to bird articles. The bird is a Yellow-rumped Flycatcher. |Source=*File:Ficedula_zanthopygia_sk.svg *File:Original_Barnstar.png |Date=2010-09-24 01:43 (UTC) |Author=*:File:Ficedula_zant
Zdroj: Text je dostupný za podmienok Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 Unported; prípadne za ďalších podmienok. Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete na stránke Podmienky použitia.