Súbor:Elementary particle interactions.svg - Biblioteka.sk

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Súbor:Elementary particle interactions.svg

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English: A diagram summarizing the tree-level interactions between elementary particles described in the Standard Model. Vertices (darkened circles) represent types of particles, and edges (blue arcs) connecting them represent interactions that can take place. The organization of the diagram is as follows: the top row of vertices (leptons and quarks) are the matter particles; the second row of vertices (photon, W/Z, gluons) are the force mediating particles; and the bottom row is the Higgs boson.
Italiano: Un diagramma che riassume le interazioni a livello di albero tra le particelle elementari descritte nel Modello Standard. I vertici (cerchi oscurati) rappresentano tipi di particelle e i bordi (archi blu) che li collegano rappresentano le interazioni che possono aver luogo. L'organizzazione del diagramma è la seguente: la riga superiore dei vertici (leptoni e quark) sono le particelle di materia; la seconda fila di vertici (fotone, W/Z, gluoni) sono le particelle che mediano la forza; e la riga inferiore è il bosone di Higgs.
Dátum 2007-01-14, 2008-02-03
Zdroj en:Image:Interactions.png
Autor en:User:TriTertButoxy, User:Stannered
(Využívanie tohto súboru)
Public domain Toto dielo uvoľnil ako voľné dielo (public domain) jeho autor, TriTertButoxy v projekte Wikipédia (angličtina). Toto platí celosvetovo.
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TriTertButoxy udelil komukoľvek právo používať toto dielo na ľubovoľné účely, bez akýchkoľvek podmienok ak také podmienky nevyžaduje zákon.
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aktuálna23:01, 9. február 2023Náhľad verzie z 23:01, 9. február 2023775 × 555 (22 KB)ZygimantusFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://svgtranslate.toolforge.org/). Added translation for lt.
08:14, 13. apríl 2022Náhľad verzie z 08:14, 13. apríl 2022775 × 555 (20 KB)Kirk39Uploaded a work by Stannered from *File:Elementary_particle_interactions.svg licensed with PD-user-en, PD-user-w with UploadWizard
04:08, 21. apríl 2013Náhľad verzie z 04:08, 21. apríl 2013775 × 555 (16 KB)Euan RichardSeparate leptons, since the neutrino does not interact with the photon. Whether or not it interacts with the Higgs is debatable (I think fairly certain, but there are other mass generation mechanisms out there), but since this picture is used mainly in...
10:20, 5. marec 2013Náhľad verzie z 10:20, 5. marec 2013775 × 555 (20 KB)Incnis Mrsirm path text and upheld the notation from w:Wikipedia:MOSPHYS#Particles, substances and reactions
15:59, 24. február 2008Náhľad verzie z 15:59, 24. február 2008775 × 555 (35 KB)Stanneredadding W self-interaction
17:52, 3. február 2008Náhľad verzie z 17:52, 3. február 2008775 × 555 (37 KB)StanneredMediaWiki has no unicode TNR equivalent... when will they install FreeSerif?
17:51, 3. február 2008Náhľad verzie z 17:51, 3. február 2008775 × 555 (22 KB)Stannered{{Information |Description=A diagram summarizing the tree-level interactions between elementary particles described in the Standard Model. Vertices (darkened circles) represent types of particles, and edges (blue arcs) connecting them represent interactio

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