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Hello everybody, my name is Frank Behnsen, born 1962, native speaker of the German language, currently living in Frankfurt-am-Main. I’m a Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons addict and busy contributor since the year 2007, but as I write these words I’m a complete newbie to the Meta-Wiki (alright, I know the wiki syntax quite a bit, but that’s about it). I do have an idea though what this Meta-Wiki thing is all about, I liked it instantly and I’m eager to learn more about it.
If you would like to take a look at some of my work for Wikipedia and Commons, please visit this page on the German Wikipedia. In case you want to leave me a more or less urgent message, I’d be grateful if you’d contact me first via my talk page over there. I’m logged in almost permanently and I check that page several times a day. Thanks in advance, — Frank Behnsen (talk) 01:19, 29 January 2016 (UTC)
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