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Dátum/Čas | Náhľad | Rozmery | Používateľ | Komentár | |
aktuálna | 17:14, 3. júl 2024 | ![]() | 600 × 670 (13 KB) | Saurmandal | resize + serif gurmukhi |
02:50, 7. november 2016 | ![]() | 2 445 × 3 770 (14 KB) | फ़िलप्रो | Reverted to version as of 04:10, 24 December 2015 (UTC) | |
19:57, 5. november 2016 | ![]() | 2 500 × 4 853 (11 KB) | Zarienah | revert | |
04:10, 24. december 2015 | ![]() | 2 445 × 3 770 (14 KB) | फ़िलप्रो | Reverted to version as of 21:06, 25 October 2015 (UTC) | |
00:24, 24. december 2015 | ![]() | 2 445 × 3 531 (17 KB) | Guglani | As per compromise reached in Rfc, please read Rfc carefully and do not make disruptive edit.{{ping|Filpro|Snow Rise|Vigyani}} | |
19:25, 23. december 2015 | ![]() | 2 000 × 3 882 (17 KB) | फ़िलप्रो | As per https://en.wikipedia.org?pojem=Talk:Punjabi_language#RfC:_Writing_Systems_of_Punjabi_language , no clear consensus was achieved through the discussion, we go as per reliable sources such as the one used in the lead paragraph of the main article,... | |
15:25, 23. december 2015 | ![]() | 2 445 × 3 531 (17 KB) | Guglani | Refer rfc do not revert again per RfC https://en.wikipedia.org?pojem=Talk:Punjabi_language#RfC:_Writing_Systems_of_Punjabi_language | |
16:43, 22. december 2015 | ![]() | 2 000 × 3 882 (17 KB) | फ़िलप्रो | again, more people use shahmukhi than gurmukhi and devanagari script is used by certain dialects - according to ethnologue, check the lead paragraph of the article | |
10:59, 22. december 2015 | ![]() | 2 445 × 3 531 (17 KB) | Guglani | Reverted to version as of 05:58, 15 December 2014 (UTC) | |
06:23, 19. december 2015 | ![]() | 2 000 × 3 882 (17 KB) | फ़िलप्रो | spacing |
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- Tɛmplet:Punjabi film list
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- List of Punjabi films of 2017
- List of Punjabi films of 2016
- List of Punjabi films of 2015
- List of Punjabi films of 2014
- List of Punjabi films of 2013
- List of Punjabi films of 2012
- List of Punjabi films of 2011
- List of Punjabi films of 2010
- List of Punjabi films of 2000
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