List of Catholic saints -

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Panta Rhei Doprava Zadarmo

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List of Catholic saints

This is an incomplete list of people and angels whom the Catholic Church has canonized as saints. According to Catholic theology, all saints enjoy the beatific vision. Many of the saints listed here are to be found in the General Roman Calendar, while others may also be found in the Roman Martyrology;[1] still others are particular to local places and their recognition does not extend to the larger worldwide church.

Candidates go through the following four steps on the way to being declared saints.[2][3]

Catholics by stage of sainthood
Candidates Proclaimed
Servants of God Venerated Catholics Beatified people Saints
by nationality by nationality by nationality by nationality
by religious order by religious order by religious order by religious order
proclaimed by local bishop by pope proclaimer by pope proclaimer by pope proclaimer
popes popes popes popes

Saints acknowledged by the Eastern Orthodox Church and other churches are listed in Category:Christian saints by century and/or Category:Christian saints by nationality.

Catholic saints

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Text je dostupný za podmienok Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 Unported; prípadne za ďalších podmienok.
Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete na stránke Podmienky použitia.

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Saint Date of birth Date of death Date of canonization Notes
Aaron of Aleth[4] unknown after 552[5] Hermit[5]
Abachum 200s 270 found in Roman Martyrology[1]
Abadiu of Antinoe 300s 300s
Abamun of Tarnut 300s 372 Martyr
Abanoub 300s 300s Coptic child martyr[6]
Abbán unknown c. 520
Abbo of Fleury[7] 945 13 November 1004[8] Assisted Archbishop of Oswald[7]
Abdas of Susa 300s 420
Abdon 100s c. 250 found in Roman Martyrology[1]
Abel of Reims unknown c. 751
Abercius of Hieropolis[9][10] unknown c. 167 found in Roman Martyrology[1]
Aberoh and Atom unknown unknown Brothers
Abhor and Mehraela unknown unknown Brother and sister
Abibus of Edessa 307 322
Abra of Poitiers 12 December 339 c. 360
Abraham Kidunaia unknown c. 360
Abraham of Arbela unknown 345
Abraham of Clermont unknown c. 479
Abraham of Cratia c. 474 c. 558
Abraham of Cyrrhus c. 350 422
Abraham of Rostov 900s 1045–1074
Abraham of Smolensk 1150 or 1172 c. 1222 1549 by Pope Paul III[11]
Abran 500s 500s
Abrosima 200s 341
Absadah 200s c. 300
Abudimus 200s 305 found in Roman Martyrology[1]
Abundius 400s 469 found in Roman Martyrology[1]
Acca of Hexham c. 660 c. 742
Aceolus and Acius unknown c. 290
Acepsimas of Hnaita unknown 10 October 376 found in Roman Martyrology[1]
Acestes unknown c. 65 One of the soldiers who led Paul the Apostle to his death
Achillas of Alexandria unknown June 313 Patriarch of Alexandria
Achilleus 0s c. 100 AD found in Roman Martyrology[1]
Achilleus Kewanuka[12] 1869 3 June 1886 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VI[13] One of the Uganda Martyrs[13][14]
Achillius of Larissa 200s 330
Acisclus 200s 304
Adalard of Corbie 751 2 January 827 1026 by Pope John XIX[15]
Adalbard 600s 652
Adalbero II of Metz c. 958 14 December 1005
Adalbero of Wurzburg c. 1010 6 October 1090 1883 by Pope Leo XIII
Adalbert of Magdeburg c. 910 20 June 981 Archbishop of Magdeburg
Adalbert of Prague[16] 956[17] 23 April 997[17] 3 February 999 by Pope Sylvester II[18] His skull is preserved and kept in the St. Vitus cathedral[19]
Adalgar 900s 9 May 909 Archbishop of Bremen
Adalgott II of Disentis[20] 1100s 1165 Bishop of Chur[20]
Adamo Abate c. 990 3 May 1060–1070 Professed religious of the Benedictines
Adauctus 200s 303 Martyred with Felix
Adela of France 1009 8 January 1079 Wife of Richard III and Baldwin V
Adela of Normandy c. 1067 8 March 1137 Daughter of William the Conquerer
Adela of Pfalzel unknown 735 Sister of Irmina of Oeren
Adelaide of Italy 931 16 December 999 1097 by Pope Urban II[21] Married layperson of the Archdiocese of Burgundy, queen of Italy and Burgundy, empress
Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich c. 970 5 February 1015 Professed religious of the Benedictine nuns
Adelelmus of Burgos 1000s 1100
Adeloga of Kitzingen unknown c. 745
Adheritus 100s unknown
Adjutor 24 June 1073 30 April 1131
Adolf of Osnabrück c. 1185 30 June 1222 or 1224 1625 by Pope Urban VIII
Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa[22] c. 1861 3 June 1886[23] 18 October 1964 by Pope Paul VI One of the Uganda Martyrs[13][14]