List of heads of the diplomatic missions of the Holy See -

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List of heads of the diplomatic missions of the Holy See

  Diplomatic relations, resident mission, nuncio is of ambassadorial rank and with additional privileges.
  Diplomatic relations, non-resident accreditation with additional privileges
  Diplomatic relations, resident mission, nuncio has normal ambassadorial status
  Diplomatic relations, non-resident accreditation, normal ambassadorial status
  Formal contact with the government, but no diplomatic relations
  Representative to the Catholic communities only, no diplomatic relations

The following is a sortable list of the heads of the diplomatic mission of the Holy See. An apostolic nuncio (also known as a papal nuncio or simply as a nuncio) is an ecclesiastical diplomat, serving as an envoy or a permanent diplomatic representative of the Holy See to a state or to an international organization. A nuncio is appointed by and represents the Holy See, and is the head of the diplomatic mission, called an Apostolic Nunciature, which is the equivalent of an embassy. The Holy See is legally distinct from the Vatican City or the Catholic Church. A nuncio is usually an archbishop.

Diplomatic Posts

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Country Type of mission Representative Nomination / vacancy date Ref.
 African Union Representative (seated in Ethiopia) vacant 20 May 2024 [1]
 Albania Nunciature Bonazzi, Luigi 12 October 2020 [2]
 Algeria Nunciature Vayalunkal, Kurian Mathew 1 January 2021 [3]
 Andorra Nunciature (non-residential) Auza, Bernardito 1 October 2019 [4]
 Angola Nunciature Dubiel, Kryspin Witold 1 July 2024 [5]
 Antigua and Barbuda Nunciature (non-residential) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 30 July 2022 [6]
Antilles Delegation (seated in Trinidad and Tobago) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 30 July 2022 [6]
 Arab League Delegation (seated in Egypt) Thévenin, Nicolas 4 November 2019 [7]
Arabian Peninsula Delegation (seated in United Arab Emirates) El-Kassis, Christophe Zakhia 22 July 2024 [8]
 Argentina Nunciature Adamczyk, Mirosław 22 February 2020 [9]
 Armenia Nunciature (non-residential) Jozić, Ante 28 June 2024 [10]
 ASEAN Nunciature Pioppo, Piero 19 March 2018 [11]
 Australia Nunciature Balvo, Charles Daniel 17 January 2022 [12]
 Austria Nunciature López Quintana, Pedro 4 March 2019 [13]
 Azerbaijan Nunciature (non-residential) Solczyński, Marek 14 February 2022 [14]
 Bahamas Nunciature (non-residential) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 12 November 2022 [15]
 Bahrain Nunciature (non-residential) Nugent, Eugene 11 February 2021 [16]
 Bangladesh Nunciature Randall, Kevin Stuart 13 August 2023 [17]
 Barbados Nunciature (non-residential) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 12 November 2022 [15]
 Belarus Nunciature vacant 28 June 2024 [10]
 Belgium Nunciature Coppola, Franco 15 November 2021 [18]
 Belize Nunciature (non-residential) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 30 July 2022 [6]
 Benin Nunciature vacant 9 July 2024 [19]
 Bolivia Nunciature Sosa Rodríguez, Fermín Emilio 17 November 2023 [20]
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Nunciature Chullikatt, Francis 1 October 2022 [21]
 Botswana Nunciature (non-residential) Jagodziński, Henryk 20 August 2024 [22]
 Brazil Nunciature Diquattro, Giambattista 29 August 2020 [23]
 Brunei Darussalam Delegation (seated in Malaysia) Załuski, Wojciech 29 September 2020 [24]
 Bulgaria Nunciature Suriani, Luciano 13 May 2022 [25]
 Burkina Faso Nunciature vacant 16 July 2024 [26]
 Burundi Nunciature Datonou, Dieudonné 7 October 2021 [27]
 Cabo Verde Nunciature (non-residential) Sommertag, Waldemar Stanisław 6 September 2022 [28]
 Cambodia Nunciature (non-residential) Wells, Peter Bryan 8 February 2023 [29]
 Cameroon Nunciature Bettencourt, José Avelino 30 August 2023 [30]
 Canada Nunciature Jurkovič, Ivan 5 June 2021 [31]
 Central African Republic Nunciature Laterza, Giuseppe 5 January 2023 [32]
 Chad Nunciature (non-residential) Laterza, Giuseppe 5 January 2023 [32]
 Chile Nunciature vacant 14 May 2024 [33]
 China, Republic of[a] Nunciature vacant 25 October 1971 [35]
 Colombia Nunciature Rudelli, Paolo 19 July 2023 [36]
 Comoros Delegation (seated in Madagascar) Grysa, Tomasz 27 September 2022 [37]
 Congo, Democratic Republic of Nunciature Leskovar, Mitja 16 April 2024 [38]
 Congo, Republic of Nunciature Herrera Corona, Javier 5 February 2022 [39]
 Cook Islands Nunciature (non-residential) vacant 27 July 2024 [40]
 Costa Rica Nunciature Miles, Mark 9 July 2024 [19]
 Côte d'Ivoire Nunciature Rueda Beltz, Mauricio 16 June 2023 [41]
 Council of Europe Permanent observer Ganci, Marco 21 September 2019 [42]
 Croatia Nunciature Lingua, Giorgio 22 July 2019 [43]
 Cuba Nunciature Camilleri, Antoine 20 May 2024 [1]
 Cyprus Nunciature (non-residential) Dal Toso, Giovanni Pietro 17 February 2023 [44]
 Czech Republic Nunciature Okolo, Jude Thaddeus 1 May 2022 [45]
 Denmark Nunciature (non-residential) Murat, Julio 25 January 2023 [46]
 Djibouti Nunciature (non-residential) vacant 20 May 2024 [1]
 Dominica Nunciature (non-residential) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 12 November 2022 [15]
 Dominican Republic Nunciature Bertoldi, Piergiorgio 18 May 2023 [47]
ECOWAS Permanent observer vacant 8 August 2023 [48]
 Ecuador Nunciature Carrascosa Coso, Andrés 22 June 2017 [49]
 Egypt Nunciature Thévenin, Nicolas 4 November 2019 [7]
 El Salvador Nunciature Cona, Luigi Roberto 26 October 2022 [50]
 Equatorial Guinea Nunciature (non-residential) Bettencourt, José Avelino 30 August 2023 [30]
 Eritrea Nunciature (non-residential) vacant 23 January 2024 [51]
 Estonia Nunciature (non-residential) vacant 11 March 2024 [52]
 Eswatini Nunciature (non-residential) Jagodziński, Henryk 19 July 2024 [53] [54]
 Ethiopia Nunciature vacant 20 May 2024 [1]
 European Union Nunciature vacant 11 August 2024 [55]
 Fiji Nunciature (non-residential) Pintér, Gábor 29 August 2024 [56]
 Finland Nunciature (non-residential) Murat, Julio 7 March 2023 [57]
 France Nunciature Migliore, Celestino 11 January 2020 [58]
 Gabon Nunciature Herrera Corona, Javier 5 February 2022 [39]
 Gambia Nunciature (non-residential) Erbì, Walter 30 November 2022 [59]
 Georgia Nunciature Jozić, Ante 28 June 2024 [10]
 Germany Nunciature Eterović, Nikola 21 September 2013 [60]
 Ghana Nunciature Kaboré, Julien 29 June 2024 [61]
 Great Britain[b] Nunciature Maury Buendía, Miguel 13 April 2023 [65]
 Greece Nunciature Pawłowski, Jan Romeo 1 December 2022 [66]
 Grenada Nunciature (non-residential) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 30 July 2022 [6]
 Guatemala Nunciature Padilla, Francisco Montecillo 17 April 2020 [67]
 Guinea Nunciature Mambé, Jean-Sylvain Emien 12 November 2022 [15]
 Guinea-Bissau Nunciature (non-residential) Sommertag, Waldemar Stanisław 6 September 2022 [28]
 Guyana Nunciature (non-residential) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 30 July 2022 [6]
 Haiti Nunciature vacant 25 January 2024 [68]
 Honduras Nunciature vacant 27 July 2024 [40]
 Hungary Nunciature Banach, Michael 3 May 2022 [69]
 Iceland Nunciature (non-residential) Murat, Julio 9 November 2022 [70]
 India Nunciature Girelli, Leopoldo 13 March 2021 [71]
 Indonesia Nunciature Pioppo, Piero 8 September 2017 [72]
 Iran Nunciature Józwowicz, Andrzej 21 June 2021 [73]
 Iraq Nunciature vacant 16 April 2024 [38]
 Ireland Nunciature Montemayor, Luis Mariano 25 February 2023 [74]
 Israel Nunciature Yllana, Adolfo Tito 3 June 2021 [75]
 Italy Nunciature Rajič, Petar 11 March 2024 [52]
 Jamaica Nunciature (non-residential) de Wit Guzmán, Santiago 12 November 2022 [15]
 Japan Nunciature Escalante Molina, Francisco 25 January 2024 [68]
  Jerusalem and  Palestine Delegation (seated in Israel) Yllana, Adolfo Tito 3 June 2021 [75]
 Jordan Nunciature Dal Toso, Giovanni Pietro 21 January 2023 [76]
 Kazakhstan Nunciature Panamthundil, George George 16 June 2023 [41]
 Kenya Nunciature van Megen, Hubertus 16 February 2019 [77]
 Kiribati Nunciature (non-residential) vacant 27 July 2024 [40]
 Korea, Republic of Nunciature Gaspari, Giovanni 2 March 2024 [78]
 Kosovo Delegation (seated in Slovenia) Speich, Jean-Marie 19 March 2019 [79]
 Kuwait Nunciature Nugent, Eugene 7 January 2021 [80]
 Kyrgyzstan Nunciature (non-residential) Panamthundil, George George 15 July 2023 [81]
 Laos Delegation (seated in Thailand) Wells, Peter Bryan 8 February 2023 [29]
 Latvia Nunciature (non-residential) vacant 11 March 2024 [52]
 Lebanon Nunciature Borgia, Paoli 24 September 2022 [82]
 Lesotho Nunciature (non-residential) Jagodziński, Henryk 16 April 2024 [38]
 Liberia Nunciature Erbì, Walter 16 July 2022 [83]
 Libya Nunciature (non-residential) Hon Tai-Fai, Savio 18 May 2023 [47]
 Liechtenstein Nunciature (non-residential) vacant 19 April 2024 [84]
 Lithuania Nunciature vacant 11 March 2024 [52]
 Luxembourg Nunciature (non-residential) Coppola, Franco 14 December 2021