Redaktor:Kahuroa -

Panta Rhei Doprava Zadarmo

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from New Zealand

Welcome to my user page. I am active on the English Wikipedia, on Wikimedia Commons, and I am a Bureaucrat on the Māori Wikipedia where I took the number of articles from 400 to over 6000. I also contribute on some of the other Wikipedias, for example, German and French.

  • Total edits made: 8484 (en), 14772 (mi), 630 (de)
  • Mainspace edits: 9963 (mi), 261 (de)
  • Talk edits: 851 (en), 783 (mi), 52 (de)
  • User talk edits: 554 (en), 802 (mi), 111 (de)
  • Last updated on: 30 May 2008

Ongoing work

Handy links

Human world
  • I help out on pages relating to the Māori people of New Zealand, and also Polynesia and the Pacific generally. Being able to speak a Polynesian language is a big asset in this area.
  • One of my first major projects was the recategorisation of en:Category:Polynesian mythology to reflect the distinctiveness of Polynesian cultures. I was also the instigator of the infamous great Polynesian article deletion debacle of March 2006, where I ended up teaming with Canadian en:User:Bucketsofg to find sources and save articles that I proposed for deletion. You had to be there.
  • I like to edit the articles to weed out misconceptions and wrong assumptions, and to revert vandalism.
Natural world
  • I am interested in trees and plants, especially those of the northern North Island, and the subtropical and tropical islands to the north. I have started articles on trees like en:Pouteria costata and the endangered climber en:Tecomanthe speciosa. I am also interested in palm trees, especially the subtribes Archontophoenicinae and Rhopalostylidinae which are endemic to my area of interest.
  • I also do some editing on articles relating to the birds and other fauna of New Zealand.
  • Flowing on from my interests in botany and Polynesia, and from my involvement with the Māori Wikipedia, one of the biggest contributions I make to Wikipedia, as far as using up my own time goes, is to create and source images to illustrate the articles. To this end, I have upgraded my camera gear and tried to improve my skills. And I have learned how hard it is to take a decent photo, even of a static thing like a tree.
  • I have uploaded over 300 of my own photos, almost 150 Public Domain files, and I have also started bringing photos in from other libraries such as flickr.

Got a suggestion? A correction? Drop me a line on my talk page with your ideas.

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čítajte viac o Redaktor:Kahuroa

Text je dostupný za podmienok Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 Unported; prípadne za ďalších podmienok.
Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete na stránke Podmienky použitia.

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