Súbor:Accipiter gentilis - Northern Goshawk XC418039.mp3 - Biblioteka.sk

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Súbor:Accipiter gentilis - Northern Goshawk XC418039.mp3

Accipiter_gentilis_-_Northern_Goshawk_XC418039.mp3 (Zvukový soubor MP3, 34 s, celkem 115 kbps, velikost souboru: 486 KB)

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English: :Started observation at 16:30. Two goshawk chicks in nest in a spruce. Non fledged, white feathers. At 17:17, the female flew past the nest and perched on another spruce at 95 metres distance, where there is a nest from a previous year. The female made a series of wailing/begging calls. Shortly after, the male landed on the nest, but I could not see if a food delivery was made. The female continued uttering begging/wailing calls (XC418040, XC418044) until she flew off at 17:58, passing by the nest again (XC418043).
The call pattern corresponds to previous observations (Penteriani, 2001). During the fledging period, females utter the begging call when the male is in the nest area. Food delivery is made by males.
Exact location obscured to protect the nest. Recorded with a directional microphone at 60 metres distance. No filter. Normalized at -0.3 dB. Lots of urban noises and people around.
60 metres is a short distance for a goshawk, however, these are urban animals and they showed no sign whatsoever of being disturbed by my presence. Goshawks are common in Berlin and urban goshawks are known to have a relatively short comfort distance compared to their rural counterparts (Artmann et al., 2015).
L. Artmann, N. Kenntner, C. Neumann, and S. Schlegl. Der Habicht : vom Waldjäger zum Stadtbewohner. Oertel + Spörer, Reutlingen, 2015. ISBN 978-3886278992.
V. Penteriani. The annual and diel cycles of goshawk vocalizations at nest sites. Journal of Raptor Research, 35(1):24–30, 2001.
Common name: Northern Goshawk
Type: begging call, female
Genus: Accipiter
Species: gentilis
Location: Berlin
Country: Germany
Elevation: 40 m
Metadata: https://www.xeno-canto.org/418039
Audio file: https://www.xeno-canto.org/418039/download
Autor Alvaro Ortiz Troncoso
Pozícia objektu52° 32′ 05,64″ S, 13° 23′ 35,88″ V Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tento a ďalšie obrázky na: OpenStreetMapinfo

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The source of this file is xeno-canto.org, a website dedicated to sharing birdsong recordings created and donated by volunteers. The website is managed by the Xeno-canto Foundation.

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aktuálna21:43, 23. marec 201934 s (486 KB)Xenocanto batch #135, https://www.xeno-canto.org/418039

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