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Pôvodný súbor (SVG súbor, 288 × 350 pixelov, veľkosť súboru: 12 KB)
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Dátum/Čas | Náhľad | Rozmery | Používateľ | Komentár | |
aktuálna | 10:09, 22. jún 2017 | ![]() | 288 × 350 (12 KB) | Echando una mano | As it can be seen in the Canadian Heraldic Authority. |
04:35, 16. september 2010 | ![]() | 205 × 253 (11 KB) | Zscout370 | http://www.ontario.ca/en/your_government/EC001037 and http://www.archives.gov.on.ca/english/on-line-exhibits/jubilee/big/big_31_coat_arms.aspx will disagree with you. Will ask the government for a larger drawing/logo drawing guide. | |
02:07, 15. september 2010 | ![]() | 205 × 253 (13 KB) | Fry1989 | Reverted to version as of 01:02, 15 September 2010 This is correct because it is how it is used by the government, and we have to depict is as so | |
01:35, 15. september 2010 | ![]() | 600 × 660 (594 KB) | Ssire | Not correct: yellow lines | |
01:02, 15. september 2010 | ![]() | 205 × 253 (13 KB) | Fry1989 | Reverted to version as of 02:59, 3 September 2010 This is the correct version, do not revert | |
00:29, 15. september 2010 | ![]() | 600 × 660 (594 KB) | Ssire | Reverted to version as of 23:02, 14 April 2008 | |
02:59, 3. september 2010 | ![]() | 205 × 253 (13 KB) | Fry1989 | shield | |
23:02, 14. apríl 2008 | ![]() | 600 × 660 (594 KB) | Fralambert | {{COAInformation/fr| |blasonfr= Blason de la province de l'Ontario au Canada |blasonnement-fr= De sinople à trois feuilles d'érable sur une tige d'or, au chef d'argent chargé de la croix de saint Georges |ref-fr= http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.co | |
03:32, 14. apríl 2008 | ![]() | 600 × 660 (590 KB) | Fralambert | {{COAInformation| |blasonfr= Blason de la province de l'Ontario au Canada |blasonnement-fr= De sinople à trois feuilles d'érable sur une tige d'or, au chef d'argent chargé de la croix de saint Georges |ref-fr= http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/i |
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- Camogie
- Flag of Canada
- List of Canadian provincial and territorial symbols
- Flag of Ontario
- Gaelic Games Canada
- National Ringette League
- Eastern Canadian Ringette Championships
- Canadian Ringette Championships
- Wikipedia:Graphics Lab/Illustration workshop/Archive/Oct 2018
- User:Ontarianhistorian/sandbox
- User:Angevin976/sandbox/countries
- Ringette in Canada
- Použitie na es.wikipedia.org
- Escudo de armas de Ontario
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