Súbor:Destroying Chinese war junks, by E. Duncan (1843).jpg - Biblioteka.sk

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Súbor:Destroying Chinese war junks, by E. Duncan (1843).jpg

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Edward Duncan (1803–1882)  wikidata:Q5342665
Edward Duncan
Alternatívne názvy
Popis britský maliar a rytec
Dátum narodenia/úmrtia 20. októbra 1803 / 21. októbra 1803 Edit this at Wikidata 11. apríla 1882 Edit this at Wikidata
Miesto narodenia/úmrtia Londýn Edit this at Wikidata Londýn Edit this at Wikidata
Umiestnenie diela
Londýn (1818–1882) Edit this at Wikidata
Súbor autorít
creator QS:P170,Q5342665
Druh objektu maľba
object_type QS:P31,Q3305213
English: The East India Company iron steam ship Nemesis, commanded by Lieutenant W. H. Hall, with boats from the Sulphur, Calliope, Larne and Starling, destroying the Chinese war junks in Anson's Bay, on 7 January 1841.
An engagement in the First Opium War (1839-42), showing the ‘Nemesis’ (right background, in starboard broadside view) attacking a fleet of Chinese war junks in the middle ground. The war junk third from the left is shown being destroyed with splinters flying up into the air. Two rowing boats with Chinese passengers watch from the left foreground. Various men can be seen overboard and clinging on to debris throughout the scene. The lettering below includes lists of dimensions. PAH8193 and PAH8893 are additional copies, both hand-coloured, and the print is from an oil painting by Duncan presented to the Williamson Art Gallery at Birkenhead in 1925, with another showing Prince Albert visiting iron ships off Woolwich Dockyard. They were a gift from Alderman J.W.P. Laird, one of the Birkenhead shipbuilding family who built the 'Nemesis' and others of the vessels shown in them. On 7 January 1841, the 'Nemesis' of the Bombay Marine (the East India Company's naval service), commanded by William Hutcheon Hall, with boats from the ‘Sulphur’, ‘Calliope’, ‘Larne’ and ‘Starling’, destroyed Chinese war junks in Anson's Bay, Chuenpee, near the Bocca Tigris forts guarding the mouth of the Pearl River up to Canton. British forces then captured the forts themselves. Hall was a Royal Naval master at the time. He had steam experience and had been privately engaged by John Laird to command the 'Nemesis', which the latter had built experimentally as the first fully iron warship, and was so successful in it in China that in 1841 he was specially commissioned as a Naval lieutenant. He went on to later Royal Naval service as a captain in the Crimean War and was a retired admiral at his death in 1875. His portrait (BHC2733) and papers are also in the Museum collection.
Depicted place Čína
Dátum 30. mája 1843
date QS:P571,+1843-05-30T00:00:00Z/11
Zdroj/Fotograf http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027/opium_wars_01/ow1_gallery/pages/1841_0792_nemesis_jm_nmm.htm
Ďalšie verzie
Image extraction process This file has an extracted image: Destroying Chinese war junks, by E. Duncan (1843) (cropped).jpg.


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30. máj 1843gregoriánský


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aktuálna18:28, 6. september 2017Náhľad verzie z 18:28, 6. september 20171 040 × 681 (199 KB)HohumColour adjust
04:46, 6. august 2016Náhľad verzie z 04:46, 6. august 20161 040 × 681 (170 KB)Spellcastlossless crop
00:46, 12. máj 2011Náhľad verzie z 00:46, 12. máj 20111 075 × 800 (197 KB)Spellcasthigher resolution
21:54, 17. december 2008Náhľad verzie z 21:54, 17. december 2008736 × 556 (154 KB)Bwwm{{Information |Description={{en|1=Depicts the battle of Anson's Bay Jan. 17 1841 during First Opium War. }} |Source=http://www.nmm.ac.uk/server/show/conMediaFile.2552 |Author=Edward Duncan |Date=1843 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|ful

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