Súbor:Emblem of Iran.svg - Biblioteka.sk

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Súbor:Emblem of Iran.svg

Pôvodný súbor (SVG súbor, 500 × 492 pixelov, veľkosť súboru: 502 bajtů)

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English: State emblem of the Islamic Republic of Iran. U+262B, stylized version of Arabic script of Allah (الله, with the central lam shaped to look like a sword.) The emblem is also an overlaid rendering of La Ilaha Illa Allah (There is only one God and that is 'Allah'). The exact shape of the emblem and an algorithmic ruler-and-compass construction is described in the national Iranian standard at IRANIAN ISLAMIC REPUBLIC FLAG, ISIRI 1, 1371, 3rd edition, March 1993 in Persian. The emblem was designed by Hamid Nadimi, and was officially approved by Ayatollah Khomeini on May 9, 1980.
Deutsch: Wappen der Islamischen Republik Iran
Македонски: Грб на Исламската Република Иран
Українська: Державна емблема Ісламської Республіки Іран
English: own algebraic / numeric construction according to the URL http://flagspot.net/flags/ir'.html.
Autor Madden
(Využívanie tohto súboru)
Public domain
This work is now in the public domain in Iran, because according to the Law for the Protection of Authors, Composers and Artists Rights (1970) its term of copyright has expired for one of the following reasons:
  • The creator(s) died before 22 August 1980, for works that their copyright expired before 22 August 2010 according to the 1970 law.
  • The creator(s) died more than 50 years ago. (Reformation of article 12 - 22 August 2010)

In the following cases works fall into the public domain after 30 years from the date of publication or public presentation (Article 16):

  • Photographic or cinematographic works.
  • In cases where the work belongs to a legal person or rights are transferred to a legal person.

The media description page should identify which reason applies.

For more information please see: Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Iran.

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Public domain Tento obrázok jednoduchého geometrického tvaru nemôže byť predmetom autorských práv, a je teda voľným dielom, pretože pozostáva výhradne z informácií, ktoré sú verejným vlastníctvom, a neobsahuje žiadne autorské dielo.
Insignia Tento obrázok zobrazuje vlajku, znak, pečať alebo inú insígniu. Použitie či užívanie týchto symbolov je v mnohých krajinách obmedzené právnymi normami. Tieto obmedzenia sú nezávislé na autorskom práve.
Ďalšie verzie Derivative works of this file:  Emblem of Iran (red).svg
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MFI logo
File:IRIMC logo.png
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SVG vývoj
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Táto grafika bola vytvorená pomocou Inkscape, or with something else.
This SVG emblem uses the path text method.


Pridajte jednoriadkové vysvetlenie, čo tento súbor predstavuje
The official coat of arms of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Položky prezentované týmto súborom


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Nějaká hodnota bez položky na Wikidata

12. máj 2006


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(najnovšie | najstaršie) Zobraziť (10 novších | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
aktuálna03:23, 25. marec 2020Náhľad verzie z 03:23, 25. marec 2020500 × 492 (502 bajtů)~rileyReduce image size for optimization and high loading speed - revert if controversial // Editing SVG source code using c:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js
11:05, 16. júl 2015Náhľad verzie z 11:05, 16. júl 2015500 × 492 (721 bajtů)Steinsplittersee talkpage
03:11, 20. september 2012Náhľad verzie z 03:11, 20. september 2012418 × 410 (2 KB)Zscout370Reverted to version as of 14:08, 12 September 2012 (this version is more correct)
03:47, 19. september 2012Náhľad verzie z 03:47, 19. september 2012900 × 886 (2 KB)Zscout370Something about white lines
14:53, 18. september 2012Náhľad verzie z 14:53, 18. september 2012900 × 886 (913 bajtů)Zscout370Reverted to version as of 22:54, 21 June 2012 I am getting tired of this back and forth
07:47, 18. september 2012Náhľad verzie z 07:47, 18. september 2012900 × 886 (913 bajtů)Sam esfidتغییرات علکی ممنوع.نشان ایران با توجه به طریقه ی رسم که در سازمان استاندارد توضیح داده شده دوباره رسم شده است.No changes Lky. Indicated that Iran plotted according...
14:08, 12. september 2012Náhľad verzie z 14:08, 12. september 2012418 × 410 (2 KB)MahdiourLook at a picture in ISIRI site (http://www.isiri.org/portal/files/std/1_files/image026.jpg) and this address: http://www.isiri.org/portal/files/std/1.htm
15:53, 31. júl 2012Náhľad verzie z 15:53, 31. júl 2012900 × 886 (913 bajtů)Sam esfidReverted to version as of 22:54, 21 June 2012
15:44, 31. júl 2012Bez náhľadu450 × 443 (2 KB)Sam esfidGreen is in the following two sites: http://flagspot.net/flags/ir.html http://laender-lexikon.com/firan.htm In a daily newspaper Kayhan, which is illustrative for the green color is mentioned. http://e89kntu.persiangig.com/12.jpg
22:54, 21. jún 2012Náhľad verzie z 22:54, 21. jún 2012900 × 886 (913 bajtů)Achim1999Due to the Frey1989's wish, I made the SVG-viewBox to be the boundingbox of the image. Moreover, the bottom peak of the sword is extended a bit as well as the small crescent at the top in its concave corner to the other side of the line of mirror-symme...
(najnovšie | najstaršie) Zobraziť (10 novších | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

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čítajte viac o Súbor:Emblem_of_Iran.svg

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