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Pôvodný súbor (SVG súbor, 1 000 × 500 pixelov, veľkosť súboru: 72 KB)
História súboru
Po kliknutí na dátum/čas uvidíte ako súbor vyzeral vtedy.
Dátum/Čas | Náhľad | Rozmery | Používateľ | Komentár | |
aktuálna | 22:49, 14. december 2013 | ![]() | 1 000 × 500 (72 KB) | AnonMoos | code cleanup, possibly avoid some hairlines |
00:58, 11. február 2013 | ![]() | 1 000 × 500 (85 KB) | Fry1989 | colours | |
22:02, 12. marec 2006 | ![]() | 1 000 × 500 (83 KB) | Denelson83 | Remove a third errant spot | |
10:53, 22. február 2006 | ![]() | 1 000 × 500 (83 KB) | Denelson83 | More realistic-looking pinecone | |
07:51, 21. február 2006 | ![]() | 1 000 × 500 (81 KB) | Denelson83 | Correct Z-position of trident shaft | |
07:49, 21. február 2006 | ![]() | 1 000 × 500 (81 KB) | Denelson83 | Remove two errant spots | |
05:02, 21. február 2006 | ![]() | 1 000 × 500 (82 KB) | Denelson83 | Colonial flag of w:Vancouver Island. Based on images at http://www.fotw.net/flags/ca-bc-vi.html Flags of the World and http://web.warracksc.vic.edu.au/~eng/international2004/VIFlagForAus.gif Warracknabeal Secondary College online. {{Insignia2}} |
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- Vancouver Island
- Caduceus
- Flag of British Columbia
- User:DopefishJustin
- User:Ruzulo
- List of flags by color
- Crown colony
- User:Masterhatch
- List of Canadian flags
- User:Fishhead64
- Colony of Vancouver Island
- User:KenWalker
- Template:User Vancouver Island
- User:Victoriagirl
- User:Thricecube
- Category:Wikipedians on Vancouver Island
- User:Tweek
- User:Denelson83
- User:Cherylktardif
- User:Finbar Canavan
- User:Asteriatic
- User:Corlyon
- User:LordCo Centre/Userbox/islandpacific
- User:Daakadence
- User:Daakadence/Header
- User:Waymond Tang
- User:JennieM
- User:Miyazaki203
- User:DennyColt
- User:Stevecudmore
- User:Merillupin
- User:Nessman
- User:Gunther87
- User:Dhadams
- User:French Film Blurred
- User:CubBC
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