Súbor:Surveyor 3 on the Moon.jpg - Biblioteka.sk

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Súbor:Surveyor 3 on the Moon.jpg

Pôvodný súbor (1 885 × 1 553 pixelov, veľkosť súboru: 516 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)

Tento zdieľaný súbor je z Wikimedia Commons a je možné ho používať na iných projektoch. Nižšie sú zobrazené informácie z popisnej stránky súboru.


  • Image from Nasa website
  • NASA Image ID number: AS12-H-48-7121

Work done to image:

  1. Hi-res image reduced in size until blurring not noticeable
  2. Contrast adjusted to tone down the 'hardness' and make some details more visible to the eye
  3. Cropped ragged edges

NASA text

Apollo 12 astronaut Alan Bean took this picture of the Surveyor 3 spacecraft on the second moonwalk EVA on 20 November 1969. Surveyor 3 landed on the Moon inside the edge of a small crater on 20 April 1967 where it took pictures and transmitted them back to Earth and performed soil mechanics experiments. The arm of the soil mechanics sampler is seen extended out to the right. The panels on top of the center mast are the solar arrays. The camera is the white cylinder just to the right of the mast. The arm extending upward to the left is the omnidirectional antenna. The spacecraft is just over 3 meters high. This view is looking to the north.


Public domain This file is in the public domain in the United States because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted". (See Template:PD-USGov, NASA copyright policy page or JPL Image Use Policy.)


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aktuálna19:34, 30. január 2007Náhľad verzie z 19:34, 30. január 20071 885 × 1 553 (516 KB)Leonardo.stabile== Summary == *Image from Nasa website http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/imgcat/html/object_page/a12_h_48_7121.html *NASA Image ID number: AS12-H-48-7121 Work done to image: #Hi-res image reduced in size until blurring not noticeable #Contrast adjusted to ton

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