Súbor:WPINDIA-SA1.PNG - Biblioteka.sk

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WPINDIA-SA1.PNG(308 × 306 pixelov, veľkosť súboru: 14 KB, MIME typ: image/png)

Tento zdieľaný súbor je z Wikimedia Commons a je možné ho používať na iných projektoch. Nižšie sú zobrazené informácie z popisnej stránky súboru.


English: Indian service award (1) for a WikiProject India Tagging & Assessment drive
Autor Later version(s) were uploaded by Faizhaider at en.wikipedia.


Public domain Toto dielo uvoľnil ako voľné dielo (public domain) jeho autor, Roger Davies v projekte Wikipédia (angličtina). Toto platí celosvetovo.
V niektorých krajinách to zákon neumožňuje; v tom prípade:
Roger Davies udelil komukoľvek právo používať toto dielo na ľubovoľné účely, bez akýchkoľvek podmienok ak také podmienky nevyžaduje zákon.

Pôvodný záznam nahrávaní

The original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia.
  • 2009-06-11 05:24 Faizhaider 308×306× (14715 bytes) making background transparent.
  • 2008-06-08 07:04 Roger Davies 308×306× (19482 bytes) {{Information |Description= improved contrast |Source=I created this work entirely by myself. |Date=8 June 2008 |Author=~~~ |other_versions= }}

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Emblem_of_India.svg licensed with License, PD-EdictGov, PD-India
    • 2011-02-07T05:04:11Z Zscout370 331x562 (172596 Bytes) The new version from the PDF file introduces a lot of lines and choppiness in the image. http://en.wikipedia.org?pojem=File:Seal_of_Gujarat.svg
    • 2010-12-17T01:50:25Z Jovianeye 175x297 (163854 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 23:40, 12 March 2010 - the newer version is extracted for PDF source
    • 2010-12-16T23:37:52Z Beao 49x53 (137811 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 05:25, 9 March 2010
    • 2010-03-12T23:40:34Z Jovianeye 175x297 (163854 Bytes) Extracted from PDF source(http://www.supremecourtofindia.nic.in/courtnews/ct%20news%20fpg%20jan%20march%202009.pdf)
    • 2010-03-11T02:15:52Z Fred the Oyster 30x50 (177177 Bytes) Added bits that were missing from the official version
    • 2010-03-09T05:27:52Z Jovianeye 30x49 (169526 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 05:25, 9 March 2010
    • 2010-03-09T05:25:50Z Jovianeye 49x53 (137811 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 05:09, 9 March 2010
    • 2010-03-09T05:25:19Z Jovianeye 30x49 (169526 Bytes) reduced proportion of text further
    • 2010-03-09T05:09:07Z Fred the Oyster 49x53 (137811 Bytes) Remove banner and column, return script to original form
    • 2010-03-09T04:37:16Z Fred the Oyster 70x64 (123448 Bytes) Recreated from official Indian court document. This is not a vectorised version of a raster graphic. Script taken from previous version of emblem.
    • 2006-11-25T06:08:12Z Nichalp 310x480 (218882 Bytes) Removing the white background
    • 2006-08-28T20:41:08Z Madden 310x480 (219590 Bytes) Auf eine alte Version zurückgesetzt
    • 2006-08-28T20:38:29Z Madden 310x480 (219150 Bytes) transparent background
    • 2006-03-28T07:17:43Z Miljoshi 310x480 (219590 Bytes) Title: Emblem of India (w:SVG|SVG - vectorized version). The Sarnath Lion is the Official Emblem of India derived from the time of the Emperor w:Ashoka|Ashoka. {{insignia}} Category:Coats of arms of India Ca
  • File:Ashoka_Chakra.svg licensed with PD-self
    • 2011-09-10T19:13:43Z Giro720 420x420 (819 Bytes) inner transparent
    • 2011-09-10T19:02:51Z Giro720 420x420 (745 Bytes) clean up
    • 2010-03-13T00:16:22Z Fred the Oyster 414x414 (6089 Bytes) make white inner transparent
    • 2008-10-18T23:37:38Z Zscout370 414x414 (11051 Bytes) Image had problems displaying at en.wikipedia.
    • 2006-04-05T21:08:12Z Madden 414x414 (10072 Bytes) Taken from :Image:Flag of India.svg.

Uploaded with derivativeFX


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aktuálna23:09, 30. október 2011Náhľad verzie z 23:09, 30. október 2011308 × 306 (14 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Reverting to most recent version before archival
23:09, 30. október 2011Náhľad verzie z 23:09, 30. október 2011308 × 306 (19 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2008-06-08 07:04:38 by Roger Davies
23:07, 30. október 2011Náhľad verzie z 23:07, 30. október 2011308 × 306 (14 KB)Kelly== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|Indian service award (1) for a https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en?pojem=Wikipedia:WikiProject_India/Assessment/Tag_%26_Assess_2008#The_rewards WikiProject India Tagging & Assessment drive}} |S

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Text je dostupný za podmienok Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 Unported; prípadne za ďalších podmienok. Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete na stránke Podmienky použitia.
Zdroj: Wikipedia.org - čítajte viac o Súbor:WPINDIA-SA1.PNG

Text je dostupný za podmienok Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 Unported; prípadne za ďalších podmienok.
Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete na stránke Podmienky použitia.

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