A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | CH | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul | |
britský spisovateľ | |
Narodenie | 17. august 1932 Chaguanas, Trinidad a Tobago |
Úmrtie | 11. august 2018 (85 rokov) Londýn, Spojené kráľovstvo |
Odkazy | |
Commons | Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul |
Sir Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, T. C., známejší ako V. S. Naipaul, (* 17. august 1932, Chaguanas, Trinidad a Tobago – † 11. august 2018, Londýn, Spojené kráľovstvo[1][2]) bol britský spisovateľ románov hindského pôvodu a indo-trinidadskej etnickej príslušnosti.
Stručný životopis
Žil v Londýne a vo Wiltshiri v Anglicku. V roku 1990 mu kráľovná Alžbeta II. udelila rytiersky titul a v roku 2001 získal Nobelovu cenu za literatúru. Za knihu In a Free State (1971) získal cenu Booker Prize.
- Fikcia
- The Mystic Masseur (1957)
- The Suffrage of Elvira (1958)
- Miguel Street (1959)
- A House for Mr Biswas (1961)
- Mr. Stone and the Knights Companion (1963)
- The Mimic Men (1967)
- A Flag on the Island (1967)
- In a Free State (1971) - Booker Prize
- Guerrillas (1975)
- A Bend in the River (1979)
- The Enigma of Arrival (1987)
- A Way in the World (1994)
- Half a Life (2001)
- The Nightwatchman's Occurrence Book: And Other Comic Inventions (Stories) – (2002)
- Magic Seeds (2004)
- Ostatné
- The Middle Passage: Impressions of Five Societies – British, French and Dutch in the West Indies and South America (1962)
- An Area of Darkness (1964)
- The Loss of El Dorado (1969)
- The Overcrowded Barracoon and Other Articles (1972)
- India: A Wounded Civilization (1977)
- A Congo Diary (1980)
- The Return of Eva Perón and the Killings in Trinidad (1980)
- Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey (1981)
- Finding the Centre (1984)
- A Turn in the South (1989)
- India: A Million Mutinies Now (1990)
- Homeless by Choice (1992, spoluautori R. Jhabvala a Salman Rushdie)
- Bombay (1994, spoluautor Raghubir Singh)
- Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions among the Converted Peoples (1998)
- Between Father and Son: Family Letters (1999, editor Gillon Aitken)
- Reading & Writing: A Personal Account (2000)
- The Writer and the World: Essays (2002)
- Literary Occasions: Essays (2003, Pankaj Mishra)
- A Writer's People: Ways of Looking and Feeling (2007)
- The Masque of Africa: Glimpses of African Belief (2010)
- ↑ Rachel Donadio. V.S. Naipaul, Delver of Colonialism Through Unsparing Books, Dies at 85 . 11 August 2018, . Dostupné online. Archivované 2018-08-12 z originálu.
- ↑ Richard Lea. VS Naipaul, Nobel prize-winning British author, dies aged 85 . 11 August 2018, . Dostupné online.
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- Commons ponúka multimediálne súbory na tému Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul
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